Get college football position group recruiting information.
Get college football position group recruiting information.
start_year = NULL,
end_year = NULL,
team = NULL,
conference = NULL
- start_year
(Integer optional): Start Year, 4 digit format (YYYY). Note: 2000 is the minimum value
- end_year
(Integer optional): End Year, 4 digit format (YYYY). Note: 2020 is the maximum value currently
- team
(String optional): Team - Select a valid team, D-I football
- conference
(String optional): Conference abbreviation - Select a valid FBS conference Conference abbreviations P5: ACC, B12, B1G, SEC, PAC Conference abbreviations G5 and FBS Independents: CUSA, MAC, MWC, Ind, SBC, AAC
- A data frame with 7 variables:
: character.Recruiting team.
: character.Recruiting team conference.
: character.Position group of the recruits.
: double.Average rating of the recruits in the position group.
: double.Sum of the ratings of the recruits in the position group.
: integer.Number of commits in the position group.
: double.Average stars of the recruits in the position group.
# \donttest{
try(cfbd_recruiting_position(2018, team = "Texas"))
#> ── Recruiting position group info from CollegeFootballData.com ─────────────────
#> ℹ Data updated: 2022-12-13 04:02:01 UTC
#> # A tibble: 9 × 7
#> team conference position_group avg_rating total_rating commits avg_stars
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl>
#> 1 Texas Big 12 Defensive Back 0.941 20.7 22 4.05
#> 2 Texas Big 12 Defensive Line 0.905 21.7 24 3.67
#> 3 Texas Big 12 Linebacker 0.901 9.91 11 3.55
#> 4 Texas Big 12 Offensive Line 0.913 18.3 20 3.9
#> 5 Texas Big 12 Quarterback 0.921 6.45 7 3.86
#> 6 Texas Big 12 Receiver 0.913 14.6 16 3.62
#> 7 Texas Big 12 Running Back 0.931 4.65 5 4.2
#> 8 Texas Big 12 Special Teams 0.872 14.0 16 3.38
#> 9 Texas Big 12 All Positions 0.911 110. 121 3.75
try(cfbd_recruiting_position(2016, 2020, team = "Virginia"))
#> ── Recruiting position group info from CollegeFootballData.com ─────────────────
#> ℹ Data updated: 2022-12-13 04:02:01 UTC
#> # A tibble: 9 × 7
#> team conference position_group avg_rating total_rating commits avg_stars
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl>
#> 1 Virginia ACC Defensive Back 0.833 11.7 14 2.86
#> 2 Virginia ACC Defensive Line 0.851 14.5 17 3.12
#> 3 Virginia ACC Linebacker 0.846 16.1 19 3
#> 4 Virginia ACC Offensive Line 0.845 16.1 19 3.05
#> 5 Virginia ACC Quarterback 0.847 5.08 6 3
#> 6 Virginia ACC Receiver 0.840 16.8 20 2.95
#> 7 Virginia ACC Running Back 0.845 5.92 7 3
#> 8 Virginia ACC Special Teams 0.836 7.52 9 2.89
#> 9 Virginia ACC All Positions 0.843 93.6 111 2.99
try(cfbd_recruiting_position(2015, 2020, conference = "SEC"))
#> ── Recruiting position group info from CollegeFootballData.com ─────────────────
#> ℹ Data updated: 2022-12-13 04:02:01 UTC
#> # A tibble: 126 × 7
#> team conference position_group avg_rating total_rating commits avg_stars
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl>
#> 1 Alabama SEC Defensive Back 0.946 22.7 24 4
#> 2 Alabama SEC Defensive Line 0.954 29.6 31 4.19
#> 3 Alabama SEC Linebacker 0.939 16.0 17 4
#> 4 Alabama SEC Offensive Line 0.933 21.5 23 3.96
#> 5 Alabama SEC Quarterback 0.906 8.16 9 3.89
#> 6 Alabama SEC Receiver 0.925 21.3 23 3.83
#> 7 Alabama SEC Running Back 0.930 13.0 14 3.93
#> 8 Alabama SEC Special Teams 0.886 8.86 10 3.5
#> 9 Arkansas SEC Defensive Back 0.863 22.4 26 3.23
#> 10 Arkansas SEC Defensive Line 0.879 22.8 26 3.31
#> # … with 116 more rows
# }